Prof. Gordon's Winning Strategy
Study Smarter, Not Harder

Exam Success, your simplest path to a pass.

By Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI

Founder & Director of Learning, Exam Success

With up to six books and 3,200+ pages in the Level I CFA® Program curriculum alone and the odds of passing less than 50%, it’s no stretch to say the journey is a long, steep learning curve, and the highest mountain you’ll ever climb. If this prospect fills you with fear and doubt, you are not alone. .

Of the hundreds of thousands of candidates worldwide who write a CFA exam in a year, fewer than half pass. Earning the CFA charter is well worth the challenge. Having this internationally respected professional designation beside your name, opens doors to attractive and competitive careers in investment management and countless other financial industry positions around the globe..

If you’re like most CFA Program candidates, studying for your exam is only one item on a lengthy ‘to-do’ list. Where are you going to find the 300+ study hours per level CFA Institute reports that successful candidates on average dedicate for each exam? That’s nearly half a year at a full-time job, assuming you pass all three exams on the first try!

Are you having a panic attack yet? If so, stop, take several deep breaths and relax...

We help you study smarter, not harder.

I’m going to tell you how Exam Success can help you study smarter, not harder — so you can significantly shorten the learning curve, eliminate stress, cut your study time (in as much as half) and still easily make it to the summit.

Think about how you would go about climbing an actual mountain. What would your strategy be? Would you spiral up it, tracking up the steepest slope and setting foot on every single stretch? Of course not! You would enlist an expert guide who has been going up the mountain for years and knows the shortest, surest and safest way to the top, and where you’ll encounter challenges along the way. It’s exactly the same how you should approach your preparation for your CFA exam, and it’s where Exam Success excels.

Every step of the way… since 1999.

I’ve been going up and down this mountain since 1999 and like a Sherpa guide, know it like the back of my hand. I know where the slippery slopes lie, where candidates get lost or overwhelmed by the challenge.

So, what do you need to succeed? It’s a reasonable question. CFA Institute doesn’t specify a threshold, but — and I’m choosing my words carefully here — in my opinion, based on years of intensive experience teaching CFA exam preparation to thousands of successful candidates worldwide, I’m confident that you don’t need anywhere near a perfect score, but rather a score in the mid-sixties will get you to the next level, and ultimately closer to earning you the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

Exam Success is for what matters.

When it comes to preparing for the CFA exam, we're not big on convention. We recognize the point to these financial standarized exams is to pass and that passing isn't about mastering thousands of pages of material, it’s about being strategic and targeting your study efforts to achieve that passing mark. The Prof. Gordon Approach™ — which I have carefully refined since 1999 — stands apart from the method of other providers, who condense the content but retain the confusing dry, technical, difficult to comprehend language and aim to make you an expert of all the topics.

I’ve created the briefest, most strategic, no-nonsense study solutions possible... highly transformative proprietary study solutions written in straight-forward language, that do the heavy lifting for you. CFA exam courses and materials that cut the fat, focus on the knowledge and applications you need to pass, and deliver a deeper understanding of the elements of the curriculum that are likely to be tested on the exam.

Prep and pass with complete confidence.

The CFA Program can be a long, steep slope, no doubt about it. But have no fear: Exam Success, an award-nominated and highly-respected CFA Program Prep Provider (we're Canada's longest-serving CFA Program Prep Program), can set you on the shortest, surest and safest path, with expert guidance to help you navigate the way — so you can climb that mountain with complete confidence straight to the top.

I invite you to explore Exam Success’ powerful award-nominated Level ILevel II and Level III CFA Program prep study solutions here.

Exam Success: Your simplest path to a pass... and a better life.

Different by Design

The only prep that's tailored to what really counts on the CFA exam.

Exam Success

Engaging To The Point Plain Language Value Added Exam-Level Quality

Yup, Just Right!


Dull Long Winded Overly Technical Full of Fluff Too Basic or Complex

Off Target

Ready for your simplest path to a pass?

Select your CFA exam level and get started..

See how Exam Success can get you on your way to earning the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, and all while enjoying the exam prep process too!

Chartered Financial Analyst

The gold standard designation in the financial services industry.

David Addo
Shiraz Noor
Jessica Mittler
Graeme McCallum
Ting Liu
Michael Tofilis
Alex Suddard
Sydney G

"I passed thanks to your prep course and study material. I've recommended Exam Succcess to my colleagues."

"Taking your program was the best decision. Your straight-forward, well-structured study notes & online videos helped me focus and hit the key points."

"I don't think I'd have been successful without Prof. Gordon's CFA exam prep. I've recommended it to many candidates, and will continue to do so."

"I'm certain that my chances of passing without your help would have been far less, or nil. I've been singing your praises..."

"You truly have a superior ability to explain complex material simply, clearly and succinctly. I highly recommend Exam Success."

"If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I'd have ever cleared this exam... I’m even thanking the guy who told me about you. "

"Having written Level 1 twice before, I can confidently say I wouldn't have been able to do it without your classes."

"Brian is so knowledgeable and effective. He makes the CFA curriculum so much clearer. I highly recommend Exam Success."

Exam Success follows CFA Institute Prep Provider Guidelines. Required Disclaimer: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Exam Success. CFA Institute, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.

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