
    98% recommend us

    Exam Success is the simplest path to a pass for CFA Program candidates everywhere.

    1000s of smiling students.

    We're for
    what matters most

    Exam Success puts your prep effort exactly where you need it, so you can get over the CFA exam passing score — quick, no sweat.


    Not your typical CFA Program prep.

  • Pass with the Prof.

    Exam Success students prepare to pass the CFA exam by learning from one of the most talented teachers in the profession.

     Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FSCI.


    No-nonsense prep students love.

  • Best CFA prep for the right candidate

    Exam Success is incredibly impactful for commerce students and grads, working professionals with a related academic background, and those who've failed the CFA exam before.

    Sorry study lovers.

  • 20 Years of Exam Success

    Since 1999, thousands of candidates worldwide have chosen us to help them pass the CFA exams with ease.

    And endless kudos from students.
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    20 Years of Exam Success

    Since 1999, thousands of Canadian Securities candidates worldwide have chosen us to help them pass the CSC exams with ease.

    And endless kudos from students.

    We're for what matters most

    Exam Success puts your prep effort exactly where you need it, so you can get over the exam passing score — quick, no sweat.

    Not your typical exam prep.

    98% recommend us

    Exam Success is the simplest path to a pass for CSC exam candidates everywhere.

    1000s of smiling students.

    Best prep for the right candidate

    Exam Success is incredibly impactful for aspiring financial industry professionals looking to earn the CSC credential in the most efficient and simplified way possible.

    We're not for everyone.
  • Pass with the Prof.

    Exam Success students prepare to pass the CSC exams by learning from one of the most talented teachers in the profession; Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FSCI.

    No-nonsense prep students love.
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CSC® Exam Prep

Why Exam Success?

Top reasons to prep with Exam Success for your CSC exams.

Exam Success knows what it takes to pursue professional goals and get results without wasting time and putting your life and other priorities on hold. Let us share Prof. Gordon's proven playbook for CSC exam success with you.

Effective Instruction

Prof. Gordon's Canadian Securities Course (CSC) Exam 1 and Exam 2 study solutions are straight-to-the-point, clear, succinct and teach and test the-need-to-know competencies and skills presented in the most recent course texts published by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI). When you have the profession' top instructor who removes the fluff, keeps you on point, actively involved and makes the dull, tough topics easy to grasp and apply, your path to a pass can be enjoyable — not something you have to suffer through.

No-nonsense. No guesswork. No wasted time.

Realistic Questions

Unlike other providers' questions that are unrealistically easy or overly difficult, Exam Success' closely simulate what you are likely to see on exam day; in terms of both question level and style. Our solutions are also of the highest calibre. They provide invaluable rationals with tips and strategies for every question, stimulating a deeper understanding of the principles, concepts and skills stressed on the CSC exams.

Know what to expect when test day arrives.

Success Guarantee

We've got you covered with our unlimited logins and free repeats, giving you plenty of chances to succeed with us. Not only do we offer CSC prep products that are super straightforward and succinct, we also stand behind them with our unlimited logins and Free repeats, giving students plenty of chances to succeed with us. With Exam Success you can gain repeat access to all the online resources you purchased for up to two years or until you pass, whichever comes first. And of course all the materials you purchase that are in PDF format are yours to print and keep!

There's no substitute for peace of mind.

Proudly Canadian

Founded in Toronto in 1999 by Canada's own Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI, Exam Success is 100% Canadian owned, operated and designed. Being Canadian, means a lot to us as a company. We are honoured to represent Canadian values including diversity, inclusion, progressiveness, fairness, community and education and we’re proud to be a Certified Educational Institution by the Government of Canada (ESDC).

Proudly Canadian. Respected internationally. Built on word of mouth.

Ultimate Flexibility

Learn and practice anytime and any place with our award-nominated Canadian Securities Course exam prep all delivered through our modern online learning interface. From Prof. Gordon's famous practice question test banks, foundations math workbook and study packages to our unparalled expertise and enthusisam to engage and support, Exam Success has versatile CSC exam prep learning solutions to help you pass with ease, no matter what time you have or want to prepare or your budget. It's all about YOU for a change!

Exam Success on your own terms.

Quality Assurance

Exam Success is accredited as a Certified Educational Institution by the Government of Canada (ESDC) and we follow the most recent course texts published by the CSI (Canadian Securities Institute) — and CFA Institute's rigorous best practices in CFA Program prep ensuring our offerings meet the highest standards. Our partnerships with leading organizations have included the likes of FP-Canada, IG Wealth Management, Ryerson University, Morneau Shepell and HSBC, to name just a few. Since, 1999 our 5-star rated and award-nominated prep has helped thousands of CSC exam candidates succeed. With Exam Success, you can feel confident you're getting the best.

You're in excellent hands.

Voted Best CSC Prep*

Different by Design

The only prep that's tailored to what really counts on the exam.

Exam Success

Engaging To The Point Plain Language Value Added Exam-Level Quality

Yup, Just Right!


Dull Long Winded Overly Technical Full of Fluff Too Basic or Complex

Off Target

Ready for your simplest path to a pass?

Select your exam and get started.

See how Exam Success can get you on your way to earning the Canadian Securities Course credential, and all while enjoying the exam prep process too!

A Trusted Partner

Exam Success collaborates with Universities, Firms and Associations to ensure exam
success for the next generation of CIM designation holders.


Our students work at top firms:

John Ord
John Ord
Jessie Behan
Chuck Murray
Salomon Gamache
R. Debski
Carla Chase
Carla Chase

"A few hours with the Prof. combined with the test banks and I passed both IMT and PMT!"

"Yippeee, I passed - couldn't have done it without Exam Success! Your Q & A's by chapter, mock exams were extremely helpful!"

"I just passed both exams 1st try and credit your guides. They made it MUCH easier, helped me focus & save time."

"I passed the exam Monday and got 80% ! The exam was quite easy. Your math workbook & aids helped me a lot."

"I enjoyed using your materials. Your Q banks were great at helping me fill in the gaps without having to spend too much time with the text!"

"I passed! Your questions were a great resource that helped a lot...thanks!"

* 5/5-Star Rating Average (1000+ Exam Success Student Surveys 2014 - 2019). 2019 Top Choice Award Nominee in multiple categories.

Email: info@examsuccess.ca
Phone: 416.843.4357, 1.800.558.9796