Many leading companies, learning institutions, professional associations and student groups rely on Exam Success to provide high-quality skills training, professional development, continuing education, exam preparation instruction and coursewear.
We offer custom-created courses and materials, off-the-shelf courses and materials and blended solutions — on virtually any finance topic. Whether on-site at your office or through our online classroom (live or recorded), you can bring Exam Success to your organization.
Success is in the stories
"It was a pleasure having you present the other week in the Ted Rogers Management Conference. We would be thrilled to have you back again next year! We've heard nothing but great feedback! "
Thank you for the effective compliance requirements investment skills training courses you ran for Scotiabank employees. You are the best educator I've worked with in all my years in the training field."
Delivering trusted training to organizations around the world.
- Investors Group
- Manulife Financial
- Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
- Queen's University
- Scotiabank
- Bank of America
- BMO Asset Management
- BlackRock
- CIBC World Markets Inc.
- HSBC Canada
- Mackenzie Investments

Prepare for Impact
Learn about training options for your group.
If you are interested in exploring how you can upskill your group with high-quality training solutions from Exam Success, want to purchase Exam Success study materials in bulk, or just have questions about comissioning us or becoming a partner, affilate or reseller, we're happy to chat.
Looking for executive tutoring?
Exam Success provides private coaching, our most personalized training option, with top teacher
Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI.
Our Numbers
We’ve been helping financial industry exam candidates simplfy the path to a pass since 1999.
We've solved study stuggles for exam candidates from more than thirty countries.
We've provided exam prep training to professionals from hundreds of top organizations.
We've helped thousands of CFA, CFP, CIM, CSC Program candidates succeed.
Our Accolades
98% Student Satisfaction*
5-Star Google My Business Rated
Trusted by the World's Top Organizations
Top Choice Award-Nominated (Best Prep Provider)**
Canada's Longest-serving CFA® Program Prep Provider (Since 1999)
Certified Educational Institution by the Canadian Government (ESDC)

Chartered Financial
The gold standard designation in the
financial services industry.

CFP & QAFP Learning
Study Notes
Learning Examples
Practice Questions

Chartered Investment
Provide discretionary investment
management services for your clients.

Canadian Securities
Advance your career in the financial
services industry
*Based on a 5-Star Rating system, 1000+ Exam Success student surveys (2014 - 2019). **Top Choice Award Nominee 2019. CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Exam Success. CFA Institute, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.