Qualified Associate Financial Planner

Made Simple

Go with Canada's proven QAFP exam prep provider.

Feel confident, remove doubts, pass the exam.

No matter what your learner profile is

We make passing the QAFP exam a whole lot easier

Complete Study Packages

Looking for a comprehensive study package to take you from start to finish? Get all our QAFP exam prep materials in one convenient money-saving package.

Individual Study Products

Get the targeted push you need to firm it up fast with our stand-alone study solutions. You'll find our Study Notes, Test Banks and other score-boosting exam prep resources here.

Why Choose Exam Success

Your simplest path to a pass.

Most students choose the Complete Study Package

or start with individual products (you can upgrade in the first month)

Complete Study Package

The Exam Success material is really strong. Efficient and easy to read, it's an amazing choice for quick and robust QAFP exam prep and was the key to me passing and earning the QAFP Exam Award of Merit.
Scott Braun
Just wanted to update you that I passed my QAFP exam. Thank you Prof Gordon for personally contacting me when I had questions. Looks like a I made the right decision to get the Exam Success QAFP exam study package!
a headshot of a man
Ron Langevian
I passed the QAFP exam thanks to Exam Success. Your QAFP study materials were streamlined and easy to follow. I relied on them to efficiently cover the content and firm up my exam strategy skills.
a headshot of a woman
Kasia Maves

Individual Products

Look in this section for specific product details and/or if you just want to purchase single products to round out your studies.

Study Notes

The Exam Success Study Notes for the QAFP exam is a concise 300+ page guide of detailed explanations of the exam essential technical points in the FP Canada Body of Knowledge (FP-BOK). Includes 100+ practice questions and learning examples.

On demand (Printable PDFs).

Students who want the most streamlined and simplified summary notes to prepare for the QAFP exam.

Topics Covered:
  • Investment Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Portfolio Management Theory Calculations
  • QAFP Ethics
  • Fundamentals of Financial Planning
  • Financial Math Review
QAFP Exam Study Notes

QAFP Exam Test Bank

The Exam Success QAFP Exam Test Bank is a progress diagnostic tool of timed, exam-like multiple choice and case study questions of varying difficulty that includes comprehensive solutions and enables you to gauge your test-taking abilities and identify your strengths and weaknesses and ties together core concepts that you need to know to get ready for the real exam. You’ll be able to track your performance on each topic and across your entire prep history.

On demand with any device.

Students who are looking for more practice questions to rapidly reinforce and boost their knowledge, skills and confidence leading up to the QAFP exam.

  • Replicates the actual computer based exam experience!
  • 500+ multiple choice Q&A organized by exam topic.
  • 4 multiple choice case studies.
  • Unlimited attempts at each quiz
QAFP Exam Test Bank

Math Workbook

The Exam Success Math Workbook is your crash course in for the QAFP exam math essentials. You’ll get the fundamentals of the math content and strategy as efficiently as possible.

On demand (Printable PDFs).

Students who haven’t done math in a while or who are just starting to prepare and need to quickly learn the the basic math concepts from the ground up.

Topics Covered:
  • Investment Planning
  • Basic math operations
  • Time value of money calculations
  • Bond math
  • Accrued interest calculations
  • Dividend discount model calculations
  • Mutual fund calculations
  • Portfolio management theory calculations
  • Financial statement ratios
  • NPV and IRR calculations
  • Time weighted rate of return calculations
  • Standard deviation
QAFP Math Workbook

Learn from the best!

Prof. Gordon is one of Canada's most experienced exam prep experts!

Brian Y. Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI, is a former tenured Finance Professor teaching at numerous Canadian Universities.

Since 1999, Prof. Gordon has been a featured lecturer and workshop facilitator for CFP and CFA review programs offered across Canada.

Prior to entering academia, Prof. Gordon developed his expertise in the discount brokerage, full service brokerage and banking industries, specializing in investment management, business development, strategic sales and marketing, and wealth management training.

Prof. Gordon holds a BA in Economics from the University of Toronto, an MBA from Heriot-Watt University in the UK, and was awarded his CFA charter in 1999. In 1995, Prof. Gordon was granted a fellowship from the Canadian Securities Institute, earning the prestigious FCSI designation.

Prof. Gordon successfully challenged the CFP Professional Proficiency Examination and was awarded the right to use the CFP designation in 2005.
Cathleen O
Lyle Bradbury
Jason Marten
Jason Marten
B. Jozefiak
Suresh Tejpal
Suresh Tejpal
Frederic B
Frederic Bouvier
Winifred Tong
Scott Braun
Shelley (Dalsto) Maher

"With the "Ask the Prof. Support Forum", I felt like I had a personal study coach with me everytime I studied. Thank you for your endless support!"

"Your materials were terrific as they focused on the right topics, provided plenty of examples that were easy to understand, were comprehensive. "

"I passed! This was exactly what I needed to help me remember all the key information. Go throught these quizzes and you'll pass too!"

"Your focused study notes and online exercises gave me a solid understanding of all topics and was essential to my success."

"Brian is great service provider and his technique of teaching and knowledge is of immense value. You can count on his help rest assured."

"Your efficient, practical and strategic prep approach gave me the skills and direction I needed to reach the finish line."

"I wanted to let you know that I Passed the CFP! Thank you so much for your help and guidance. I truly felt prepared"

"The Exam Success material is really strong. Efficient and easy to read, it's an amazing choice for quick and robust QAFP exam prep."

"Would recommend it to others preparing for it. I'm glad I will have these resources to help me through the Capstone and CFP Exam 2 as well!"

Success Guarantee:

With Exam Success you get repeat access to all the online resources you purchased for up to two years or until you pass, whichever comes first – no "gotcha" milestones or conditions to meet.

Email: info@examsuccess.ca
Phone: 416.843.4357, 1.800.558.9796