98% Recommend us

Exam Success is the simplest path to a pass for exam candidates everywhere.

1000s of smiling students.

We're for
what matters most

Exam Success puts your prep effort exactly where you need it, so you can get over the exam passing score — quick, no sweat.

Not your typical exam prep.

Pass with the Prof.

Exam Success students prepare to pass their exams by learning from the one of the most talented teachers in the profession Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FSCI.

No-nonsense prep students love.

Best exam prep for the Right candidate

Exam Success is incredibly impactful for commerce students and grads, working professionals with a related academic background, and those who were unsuccessful in past exam attempts.

Sorry study lovers.

20 Years of Exam Success

Since 1999, thousands of candidates worldwide have chosen us to help them pass their exams…. with ease.

And endless kudos from students.

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    98% recommend us

    Exam Success is the simplest path to a pass for CFA Program candidates everywhere.

    1000s of smiling students.

    We're for
    what matters most

    Exam Success puts your prep effort exactly where you need it, so you can get over the CFA exam passing score — quick, no sweat.


    Not your typical CFA Program prep.

  • Pass with the Prof.

    Exam Success students prepare to pass the CFA exam by learning from one of the most talented teachers in the profession.

     Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FSCI.


    No-nonsense prep students love.

  • Best CFA prep for the right candidate

    Exam Success is incredibly impactful for commerce students and grads, working professionals with a related academic background, and those who've failed the CFA exam before.

    Sorry study lovers.

  • 20 Years of Exam Success

    Since 1999, thousands of candidates worldwide have chosen us to help them pass the CFA exams with ease.

    And endless kudos from students.
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CFA® Program Exam Prep

Why Exam Success?

Top reasons to choose us for your CFA exam.

Exam Success knows what it takes to pursue professional goals and get results without wasting time and putting your life and other priorities on hold. Let us share Prof. Gordon's proven playbook for CFA exam success with you.

Effective Instruction

CFA Program prep dynamo Prof. Brian Gordon knows and shows you the sweet spot for studying. He simplifies the material, removes the redundancies and makes even the dullest, toughest topics engaging and easy to grasp and apply. When you have the profession's top teacher who does the hard work for you, keeps you actively partipating, on point and expanding your knowledge base, your path to a CFA exam pass can be smooth and enjoyable — not something you have to suffer through.

It's no wonder Exam Success is voted best CFA exam prep.*

Superior Support

No robots. Real experts. Our dedicated team is eager to make sure you are taken care of. Contact us ANYTIME and you’ll always get a friendly and prompt response to help melt away any stress and keep you moving forward. And, with our Student Support Discussion Board benefit that’s exclusive to Focus Course: Plus and Power Review students, Prof. Gordon’s answers, to even the most complex, burning questions, are never more than a click away. It’s like having your teacher wherever you are.

When you need help, we're there.

Success Guarantee

Need a course retake? No matter the reason (failed, slept in, wedding date conflict...) no problem, you can repeat your entire package for free. We provide access for a period of up to 2 years from your purchase date (or when you pass) whichever comes first. No “gotcha” milestones or conditions to meet. Learn More about how Exam Success has you covered.

There’s no substitute for peace of mind..

Currency Advantage

We are proud to be a Canadian company and our prices reflect that. Our prices are all in Canadian dollars – not USD – so you’re looking at a 25% or so currency advantage, making Exam Success courses and materials an even better bargain than other CFA Program prep providers'.

We're easier on the wallet!

Ultimate Flexibility

Learn and practice anytime and any place with our award-nominated CFA Program exam prep all created and taught by Prof. Brian Gordon through our modern online learning interface. From CFA curriculum study guides, customizable courses and last-minute workshop-style reviews to our unparalled expertise and enthusisam to engage and support, Exam Success has what you need to pass with ease — no matter how much time you have to study or want to prepare. It's all about YOU for a change!

Exam Success on your own terms.

Quality Assurance

Exam Success is accredited as a Certified Educational Institution by the Government of Canada (ESDC) and we follow CFA Institute's rigorous best practices in CFA Program exam prep — ensuring our offerings meet the highest standards. Exam Success is also Canada's longest-serving CFA Program prep provider, with thousands of happy students around the globe. With Exam Success, you can feel confident you're getting the best.

You're in excellent hands.

Voted Best CFA Prep*

Different by Design

Engaging To The Point Plain Language Value Added Exam-Level Quality

Exam Success

  • Engaging
  • To The Point
  • Plain Language
  • Value Added
  • Exam-Level Quality

Yup, Just Right!


  • Dull
  • Long Winded
  • Overly Technical
  • Full of Fluff
  • Too Basic or Complex

Off Target

Ready for your simplest path to a pass?

Select your CFA exam level and get started..

See how Exam Success can get you on your way to earning the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, and all while enjoying the exam prep process too!

A Trusted Partner

Exam Success collaborates with Universities, Firms and CFA Societies to ensure exam success for the next generation of CFA charterholders.

Our students work at top firms:

Chartered Financial Analyst

The gold standard designation in the financial services industry.

Lilianna Patino
Michael Tofilis
Edis Tupkovic
Alpa Atha
Olayemi Dada
Alifiya Sohail
Katie G.
Mark Davis
Scharlet Diradour
Tejvinder M.
Pavel Kuperman
Alex Suddard
Le Nhu Gia Khang

"Your materials are clear, simple and strategically focused on exam-critical concepts and questions and kept me on track to a pass."

"If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I'd have ever cleared this exam... I’m even thanking the guy who told me about you."

"Thanks for your level II Calgary class. I passed and I couldn't have done it without your to-the-point tips."

"Thanks for removing the CFA curriculum drudgery and helping me confidently and efficiently get to the finish line. Exactly what I needed."

"I'm using your Level 2 videos. The jokes you crack make it like a real class. I'll be telling my co-workers at KPMG all about your great courses"

"Your classes were incredibly helpful! Thanks for answering my many questions and being so encouraging. You're the best! "

"I passed! I found your review course incredibly useful, especially in helping me focus my efforts in the final few days before the exam."

"I passed! Your Queens MFIN CFA course helped me shape the areas I needed to focus on in the final stretch and was a HUGE help."

"I couldn't have done it without your simplified, to-the-point, slimmed down Level II material. The Exam Success program truly made all the difference."

"Prof. Gordon made it easy. His teaching style is simply fantastic. He provides concept clarity, is concise and yet detailed enough."

"Overwhelmed with joy to be awarded the CFA charter. It has been a very rewarding experience. I owe it to your guidance Brian!"

"Having written Level 1 twice before, I can confidently say I wouldn't have been able to do it without your classes."

"I'm crying with joy right now... you are the very reason that I passed... You are amazing, professor. I'm speechless."

5/5-Star Rating Average (1000+ Exam Success Student Surveys 2014 - 2019). 2019 Top Choice Award Nominee in multiple categories. Exam Success follows CFA Institute Prep Provider Guidelines. Required Disclaimer: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Exam Success. CFA Institute, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.

Email: info@examsuccess.ca
Phone: 416.843.4357, 1.800.558.9796