Level III CFA® Program Exam Prep

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Try our CFA exam prep. The first stop to a Level III pass.

Created and led by Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI.

Exam prep is an investment, that's why we want you to try us for free. Once you've experienced how we've organized the Level III CFA curriculum into an easy-to-use, engaging and effective modular learning system, we think you'll agree that Exam Success offers the best CFA prep around.

Complete Study Program

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Want to take the Level III CFA exam?

Exam Success follows CFA Institute Prep Provider Guidelines. Required Disclaimer: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Exam Success. CFA Institute, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.

Prof. Brian Gordon,


Pass with the Prof: For the Level III CFA exam, Exam Success students prepare to pass with one of most gifted and experienced CFA Program exam prep designers and educators in the profession, company founder and Canada's own

Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI.

Learn More

Brian's powerful no-nonsense Level III CFA Program study solutions leverage his 20+ years of proven CFA Program prep know-how, and do the hard work for you. They cut the fat, simplify the material, fire you up and show you precisely where to invest your time, efficiently guiding you with a strategic roadmap to exam success. Exam Success, your simplest path to a pass... and a better life.

Rabia Yusufzai
Tejvinder M.
Pavel Kuperman
Kwun Chung
Siddiq Shabir
June Wang
Jeffrey Lilley
Jessica Mittler
Joseph Faraco
Jasmine Pan

"I passed the CFA level 3 exam last year and heavily relied on your notes. They were quite helpful in passing!!!"

"Prof. Gordon made it easy. His teaching style is simply fantastic. He provides concept clarity, is concise and yet detailed enough."

"Overwhelmed with joy to be awarded the CFA charter. It has been a very rewarding experience. I owe it to your guidance Brian!"

"Exam Success was paramount to me passing Level 3. Your CFA notes & examples helped me pinpoint key learning objectives & clarify the concepts."

"Your video lectures and study notes are amazing! Your straight to the point strategy & drill downs on the main concepts make Exam Success stand out!"

"I passed my CFA level 3 exam and ranked at the top 10%. I wanted to let you know how grateful I am. You made my study so much more targeted."

"Brian knows what to focus on, NO BS... from strategy to how to prioritize the material & answer tough and realistic Level 3 questions."

"I don't think I'd have been successful without Prof. Gordon's CFA exam prep. I've recommended it to many candidates, and will continue to do so."

"Your tips & strategies were bang on. Your lessons videos were invaluable, added a lot of colour to some of the more difficult concepts."

"Thanks for all your help during this journey! You made studying less painful (almost a bit enjoyable), contributed big time to my result!"

Email: info@examsuccess.ca
Phone: 416.843.4357, 1.800.558.9796