CSC ® Course Exam Prep

CSC Study Packages

Effective, efficient prep. Anytime, anywhere.

Created by Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI.

Our Study Packages for the CSC exams combine multiple supplemental CSC Exam 1 and CSC Exam 2 study tools to help you learn the material and apply your knowledge to exam-like questions. Choose one of Exam Success' industry leading CSC prep packages below for high-yeild score gains on your schedule — all at a discounted price.

On demand with any device. Access granted upon enrollment.

Students who want to stengthen their skills in all or most aspects of the CSC exams for the extra confidence boost and push over the passing score.

Choose your Study Package

3 in 1

Complete Package

Leave nothing to chance with Complete, our most comprehensive and best-value study package.

Plus includes:
CSC Exam 1 Question Test Bank
CSC Exam 2 Question Test Bank
CSC Math Workbook (Exam 1 & 2)

Includes Everything In:
- 300+ multiple choice Q&A organized by CSC Chapter.

- Unlimited attempts at each quiz (results tracked).

- Success Guarantee: Free repeats - up to 2 years or when you pass (whichever comes first).

$69 when bought alone.
- 370+ multiple choice Q&A organized by CSC Chapter.

- Unlimited attempts at each quiz (results tracked).

-Success Guarantee: Free repeats - up to 2 years or when you pass (whichever comes first).

$69 when bought alone.
Learn the math concepts you need to know to be able to conquer the CSC exams (~50 pages - Printable PDFs).

$39 when bought alone.
Total Value $138

$177 (sum of package components at their regular prices) – $129 (your discounted package price) = $48 (your package savings).



You Save $48


2 in 1

Test Bank Package

The Test Bank Study Package includes both the CSC Exam 1 Question Test Bank and the CSC Exam 2 Question Test Bank to provide a more convenient and economical way than buying them individually.

Includes Everything In:
- 300+ multiple choice Q&A organized by CSC Chapter.

- Unlimited attempts at each quiz (results tracked).

- Success Guarantee: Free repeats - up to 2 years or when you pass (whichever comes first).

$69 when bought alone.
- 370+ multiple choice Q&A organized by CSC Chapter.

- Unlimited attempts at each quiz (results tracked).

-Success Guarantee: Free repeats - up to 2 years or when you pass (whichever comes first).

$69 when bought alone.
Total Value $138

$138 = $69 + $69 = Sum of the CSC Exam 1 and CSC Exam 2 Question Test Banks at their regular prices.



You Save $29


Prof. Brian Gordon


Pass with the Prof: For the Level I CFA exam, Exam Success students prepare to pass with one of most gifted and experienced CFA Program exam prep designers and educators in the profession, company founder and Canada's own Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI.

Learn More

Brian's powerful no-nonsense study solutions for CSC exams leverage his 20+ years of proven CSC exam prep know-how, and do the hard work for you. They cut the fat, simplify the material, fire you up and show you precisely where to invest your time, efficiently guiding you with a strategic roadmap to exam success. Exam Success, your simplest path to a pass... and a better life.

Canadian Securities Course

Advance your career in the financial services industry.


R. Samuels
Rob Balachandra
T. Lee
M. Knight
Beverly McCaffrey
Vantha D

"I passed! This was exactly what I needed to help me remember all the key information. Go throught these quizzes and you'll pass too!"

"I'm really impressed with the functionality and quality of content!"

"What a great value! The investment was worth it all...your materials helped me pass."

"Your questions were a good review. I liked that I could use them again and again to lock-in the knowledge."

"You are a find for those taking these exams, thanks for everything you do."

"I passed! Your resources helped pull it all together and made the difficult concepts seem easy."

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Phone: 416.843.4357, 1.800.558.9796