What is the Success Guarantee?
Exam Success's Success Guarantee is a hassle-free repeat policy that allows students to retake their entire course, free of charge.
Unlike other CFA Program prep providers who require you to have failed the exam to be elgible for a course retake, Exam Success lets you repeat for ANY REASON, no questions asked. There's no substitute for peace of mind.
Who Qualifies?
Exam Success Focus Course: Plus students are elgible for one entirely free course retake, with updates, for a new exam date that falls within 12 months of the exam date that corresponds with the orginal purchase.
Free re-enrollment is subject to availability at the time of re-enrollment. Free retake requests must be made in writing to Exam Success. Proof of exam re-registration (copy of official CFA Institute exam registration document) is also required. Contact Us

Why is Exam Success so flexible?
Simple… We are so flexible with our repeat privileges because we are confident you will be pleased with Exam Success and we want to help keep you focused on your goal and not on your pocket.
Success Guarantee
Exam Success' Free Repeat Promise
Exam Success follows CFA Institute Prep Provider Guidelines. Required Disclaimer: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Exam Success. CFA Institute, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.

Chartered Financial Analyst
The gold standard designation in the financial services industry.
Lilianna Patino
Alpa Atha
Olayemi Dada
Le Nhu Gia Khang
"Your materials are clear, simple and strategically focused on exam-critical concepts and questions and kept me on track to a pass.
"Thanks for removing the CFA curriculum drudgery and helping me confidently and efficiently get to the finish line. Exactly what I needed."
"I'm using your Level 2 videos. The jokes you crack make it like a real class. I'll be telling my co-workers at KPMG all about your great courses."
"I'm crying with joy right now... you are the very reason that I passed... You are amazing, professor. I'm speechless."