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Exam Success is the simplest path to a pass for QAFP & CFP exam candidates everywhere.
1000s of smiling students.
We're for
what matters most
Exam Success puts your prep effort exactly where you need it, so you can get over the exam passing score — quick, no sweat.
Not your typical Exam prep.
Pass with the Prof.
Exam Success students prepare to pass the QAFP and CFP exams by learning from one of the most talented teachers in the profession;
Prof. Brian Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FSCI.
No-nonsense prep students love.
Best prep for the right candidate
Exam Success is incredibly impactful for busy exam candidates who have completed the required FP Canada qualifying education program (or are exempt), and want to simplify and streamline their path to a pass.
We're not for everyone.
20 Years of
Exam Success
And endless kudos from students.